Sunday, January 5, 2014

daily-all 01/05/2014

  • pdf available

    tags: signals systems person:openheim

    • you’re trying to build a lab
    • Alliander are the specialists when it comes to complex private energy grids and installations.
    • Initially planned to be a Web application, the changing demands in the application's complexity meant that requirements in security and performance could no longer be met.
    • It is primarily designed to be easy to plug into applications to provide adaptive behaviors.
    • To access the information, a person must have the appropriate level of clearance and a need to know.
    • The possible impact must be great, immediate and irreparable.
    • the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), where he was charged with enhancing the capabilities and inter-operability of all NATO Special Operations Forces.
    • "We've asked (the command) to become virtual. In other words, we've said, we don't want you to be a standard ... command as you might see from the Napoleonic era. ...We asked them to look (into commercial) companies (to) see how they operate and minimize the headquarters. ... (Many of our units are) already located in the various states around the country, so our first inclination is to leave those in place."
      • distribution
    • options is this idea to operate as a virtual community for awhile.
    • Cyberspace
    • Electronic Warfare
    • Information Operations Center
    • Network Warfare
    • Part of the EC-130J aircraft's mission is to essentially provide an electronic shield around ground forces that deny the enemy the ability to use many of their technological assets against them. The EA-6B aircraft has the ability to jam hostile radar and communications.
  • tags: battle tactics ORBAT mil system

    • composition, but also of tactics and doctrines of the forces through their depiction in the orders of battle
    • fed German intelligence a combination of true and false information
    • deception plan
    • Order of battle belongs more to tactics than strategy.
    • no more than eight to ten subunits and subordinate corps four to six subunits
    • a likely order of battle for a planning document or operations order by assessing the following factors:
    • SUALE: Size, Unit, Activity, Location, Equipment)
    • DRAWD: Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, Delay
    • Enemy's Most Likely Course of Action (EMLCOA)
    • behaviour, often based on communications intelligence analysis)
    • each unit should keep track of enemy subunits two echelons below its own
      • overload vector
    • intelligence capabilities in the 21st century have allowed for monitoring even further than two echelons down the chain of command
    • It is however imperative that the collector of information understands that what he collected is "Information", and does not become intelligence until after an analyst has evaluated and verified this information.
    • Collection of read materials, composition of units or elements, dipostion of the same, strength, training, tactics, personalities (leaders) of these units and elements contribute to the overall intelligence value after careful analysis.
      • reduced
    • The U.S. in particular is known to maintain satellites able to intercept cell-phone and pager traffic, usually referred to as the ECHELON system. Analysis of bulk traffic is normally performed by complex computer programs that parse natural language and phone numbers looking for threatening conversations and correspondents. In some extraordinary cases, undersea or land-based cables have been tapped, as well.
    • Analysis consists of assessment of an adversary's capabilities and vulnerabilities
    • Analysts generally look for the least defended or most fragile resource
  • tags: power inverter current electric

    • Use in power generation systems such as electric utility companies or solar generating systems to convert DC power to AC power.
    • The inverter must be synchronized with grid frequency and phase and minimize harmonic generation.
  • tags: current power electric

  • tags: electric power current

    • the same amount of power can be transmitted with a lower current by increasing the voltage
    • In practice, higher "pole orders" are commonly used. For example, a 12-pole machine would have 36 coils (10° spacing).
    • For example, a 2-pole machine running at 3600 rpm and a 12-pole machine running at 600 rpm produce the same frequency. This is much more practical for larger machines.
    • with a voltage of 55 V between each power conductor and earth.
    • This low impedance path allows the maximum amount of fault current, causing the overcurrent protection device (breakers, fuses) to trip or burn out as quickly as possible, bringing the electrical system to a safe state.
    • At very high frequencies the current no longer flows in the wire, but effectively flows on the surface of the wire, within a thickness of a few skin depths. The skin depth is the thickness at which the current density is reduced by 63%. Even at relatively low frequencies used for power transmission (50–60 Hz), non-uniform distribution of current still occurs in sufficiently thick conductors. For example, the skin depth of a copper conductor is approximately 8.57 mm at 60 Hz, so high current conductors are usually hollow to reduce their mass and cost.
    • Techniques for reducing AC resistance
  • tags: electric power distribution network networking electricity

  • "chniques to implement them. At this time, Staapl is only practical for the PIC18 architecture. While writing other ports should be straightforward, it is a lot of work. I have some code for the 12 and 14 bit PIC cores, and I’ve been looking into porting staapl to PIC24/30/33 (dsPIC). The main hurdle is writing a peephole optimizer for the new architecture, and a more general assembler/disassembler architecture."

    tags: architecture assembly forth staapl prog:lang:forth microprocessor

  • tags: linux architecture assembly

  • tags: assembly ebooks architecture

  • tags: architecture the_shard person:piano

    • ทีเล่นทีจริง

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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