- Following this theory of ‘abundance of redundant relations’, Zifroni suggests a focus on the holes between high-density areas. These are more defining for their relation than links, and indicative of negative social capital. It is very hard to define a community on the web in a traditional understanding of borders, which is in turn promoted by search engine workings.
The bar for success in our industry is too low - (37signals)
yep, money (liquidity) might not be the only constraint for success.
- This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion. They want you to think that this time it’s different. But like Judge Judy says, “If it doesn’t make sense it isn’t true.”
FORA.tv - Videos on the People, Issues, and Ideas Changing the Planet
- Don’t forget that the next step in community management may also be the pressure (or attractiveness, depending on who you are) of outsourcing to professionals, as much as they may not seem to make sense in a highly social environment. Though there’s no data of any kind on this yet, it’s something that may also happen, for better or worse.
Social Media and Beer. Yes, beer. | Social Media Goodies
A great way to create such a connection is by hiring a social media guru, and creating a simple survey or survey question and distributing it throughout your network. Ask your customers their feelings on things and really listen to what they have to say. A simple three question poll can really open a lot of doors and let you see inside the windows of your customers souls. Peter Gabriel's song from a few years back describes the kind of power real insight can have.
- A great way to create such a connection is by hiring a social media guru, and creating a simple survey or survey question and distributing it throughout your network. Ask your customers their feelings on things and really listen to what they have to say. A simple three question poll can really open a lot of doors and let you see inside the windows of your customers souls. Peter Gabriel’s song from a few years back describes the kind of power real insight can have.
Too much thought will kill you | Capping IT Off | Capgemini | Consulting, Technology, Outsourcing
Topsy is a new kind of search engine, with a new way of looking at the Internet. Topsy doesn’t think the Internet is a collection of documents. Or even a web of documents. Topsy sees the Internet as a stream of conversations. Topsy treats people differently from the webpages they create and the things they say. And Topsy sees that people in every community are connected in a web of relationships, where each person influences other people to read, talk and think about things.
- Topsy is a new kind of search engine, with a new way of looking at the Internet. Topsy doesn’t think the Internet is a collection of documents. Or even a web of documents. Topsy sees the Internet as a stream of conversations. Topsy treats people differently from the webpages they create and the things they say. And Topsy sees that people in every community are connected in a web of relationships, where each person influences other people to read, talk and think about things.
- Rishab Aiyer Ghosh
The Extraordinaries | do micro-work for something you're passionate about at www.beextra.org
Local Events: Concerts, Festivals & More Upcoming Events - Eventful
Web 2.0's Real Secret Sauce: Network Effects [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
- I wrote recently about the trend of Web 2.0 reductionism that is helping us get to Web 2.0 fundamentals and assisting us in understanding why it's such a game changer. The upshot is that the Web is rapidly evolving and is increasingly being shaped by its users.
- And it means that in most industries doing nothing is really no longer an option.
Human Brain Cloud: Massively Multiplayer Word Association Game
way to waste a few minutes.
Global Production and Trade in the Knowledge Economy | E c o n o m i c s
firms with complex productiontechnologies find it relatively difficult to substitute local production for imports from the parent, becausecomplex technologies are relatively costly to transfer. Second, the activity of affiliates with complextechnologies declines relatively strongly as transport costs from the home market increase, both atthe intensive and the extensive margin. We also show that as transport costs from the home marketincrease, affiliates concentrate their imports from the parent on intermediates that are technologicallymore complex.
Beet.TV: Demand Media Has 150,000 Assignments Waiting for Its 7,000 Stringers
2,500 organizations in some 60 countries around the world now measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies through CDP, in order that they can set reduction targets and make performance improvements. This data is made available for use by a wide audience including institutional investors, corporations, policymakers and their advisors, public sector organizations, government bodies, academics and the public.
Robert Prechter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prechter has promoted the study of Socionomics, a theory about human social behavior.
Ontology language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science and artificial intelligence, ontology languages are formal languages used to construct ontologies.
Ontology (information science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science and information science, an ontology is a formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. It is used to reason about the properties of that domain, and may be used to define the domain.
Publication - Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Work
A major new survey of the work-lives of 2011 workers aims to analyse the level of 'cognitive complexity' of different jobs - and so get a view of the scale of knowledge work. It finds the UK has a 30-30-40 shaped workforce: about a third of jobs have a high knowledge content, a third have some and about 40 per cent have less knowledge content.
- A major new survey of the work-lives of 2011 workers aims to analyse the level of 'cognitive complexity' of different jobs - and so get a view of the scale of knowledge work. It finds the UK has a 30-30-40 shaped workforce: about a third of jobs have a high knowledge content, a third have some and about 40 per cent have less knowledge content. In addition, the report argues employers are poorly equipped to weather the recession because they use workers’ skills and talents poorly, tie them up in rules and procedures, and give them little say over how they do their work.
Publication - Manufacturing and the Knowledge Economy
It argues that the traditional divide between manufacturing and services is breaking down – especially in the high-tech, knowledge intensive parts of it. Manufacturers adding service functions to their existing product portfolios is one of the key drivers of the expansion of high value service industries.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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