Die Uni in Zahlen | Zürcher Studierendenzeitung | Nachrichten aus UZH und ETH
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"will have of keeping them shareable with your friends."
Trulia Inc (TRLA): Trulia: Not The Market Leader [Zillow Inc, Move Inc.] - Seeking Alpha
- Ultimately, the company that overcomes legacy issues of multiple listing systems (MLS) around the country, professionals tied to the print versions of advertising, and word of mouth connections with potential home buyers will become the dominant real estate marketplace.
What Was Actually Genius? Nicholas of Cusa, Kepler & Shakespeare
" we must now introduce, urgently, a physical-economic standard, rather than the currently prevalent monetarist one."// beim akt uebernimmt die strom-liquiditaet monetar-auspraegung in physikalischem verbund - services, die auch was tun.. als naechstes geld. convertabilitaetsproblem, zoll vs aonymitaet (im chaos regiert die macht allein)
- The difference between truth and “sense-certainty,” is that sense-perceptual processes are merely matters of the whims of those undeserved beliefs which are, in fact, as Shakespeare demonstrated in terms of his King Henry V, merely shadows cast by sense-perception, not the so-called “real thing.”
- My essential contention on this matter, pertains to the evidence showing that any human being may be potentially enabled, through adequate personal development and related, and enriching experience, to break through the so-to-speak “walls of evolutionary time.”
- merely the more common, deductively crafted, even otherwise relevant discovery.
- ans have often, quite foolishly gone, far beyond the powers of their extremely modest competence,
Longplayer - Longplayer Letters
- but by and large, we don’t do that anymore. We have less active engagement with our future than our ancestors did.
- This diminishing future horizon is mirrored by an equally shrinking backwards view. We find ourselves left with prejudices and opinions that were hastily and emotionally formed at the time and not revisited and re-evaluated, drowned under a relentless stream of new stories and panics. We seem to be so thoroughly submerged by new impressions that we don’t have time to digest our own history.
» The Artangel Longplayer Letters: Stewart Brand writes to Esther Dyson - Blog of the Long Now
- Ghosts don’t exist, but ghost stories sure do. We love frightening ourselves with narratives built around a horrifying logic that emerges with the telling of the tale, ideally capped with a moral lesson.
- Powers that appear benign, we learn, can have unintended consequences.
- “Time,” Nassim noted, “is a bullshit detector.” As evidence accumulates, discussion moves on.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
daily-all 11/30/2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
daily-all 11/28/2013
Kullback–Leibler divergence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"the amount of available work" (nlp ist: natural language processing)
» A 75-year Study on the Secrets to Happiness - Blog of the Long Now
"and the more connected we are with others, the better we are at coping with life’s difficulties."
tags: zeit bild orf loc:at media jou crossover blogging new value:8
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
daily-all 11/26/2013
Cornelius Gurlitt versteht die Welt nicht mehr - Salzburger Nachrichten - SALZBURG.COM
tags: news:y2013m11 person:gurlitt politik recht kunst magazin salzburg.com
tags: news:y2013m11 person:gurlitt kunst recht politik aggregator #ya:b20130405:v4
Der Fall Gurlitt: Alle Artikel der FAZ zum Münchener Kunstfund
tags: news:y2013m11 person:gurlitt kunst recht politik aggregator
Schwabinger Kunstfund: Politische Strafjustiz - Der Fall Gurlitt - FAZ
tags: faz rechtssicherheit rechtsstaat news:y2013m11
- 25.11.2013 · Der Umgang der Staatsanwaltschaft mit den Gemälden Cornelius Gurlitts spricht dem Rechtsstaat Hohn. In dieser Form ist er eigentlich nur aus Diktaturen bekannt.
Niklas Luhmann über die Liebe: Ist die Liebe etwa ein Gefühl? - Bücher - FAZ
- Was die Liebeserwartung verletzt, ist kein „Ich möchte nicht“, sondern ein „Das geht dich nichts an“.
Netimperative | News | Today’s top stories
- The challenge is therefore for businesses to harness every facet of the data they have, and specifically to look at how the data held within their siloed marketing, IT and sales departments can be connected so that insight can be collectively and strategically applied.
- yes, personal level, too.
Three lessons learned from the demise of Kodak - WPP
tags: lessons marketing research via:wpp consumer information infonomics
- Lesson two: No matter how paranoid you think you are, you’re not paranoid enough.
I thank Andy Grove, former CEO of Intel, for this piece of wisdom. In his book, Only the Paranoid Survive, Grove writes of the strategic inflection point which a company can reach as an effect of just about anything: increased competition, a change in regulatory issues and, of course, changes in technology. When a strategic inflection point occurs, ordinary business rules must go out the window. - There’s something to be said for tradition and strong company values, but not when culture becomes a barrier to success.
- If it ran tearjerker ads about kids growing up too fast, people would buy more film.
Hardware Trick Could Keep Cloud Data Safe - IEEE Spectrum
hoechst abgefahren.. baeume.
tags: hardware trick cloud data ieee spectrum news:y2013m11 security memory access pattern detection
- The technique, known as Oblivious RAM, had existed in theory for a while, but this is the first time that applications for it have been integrated directly into a processor design.
- have run experiments on a number of virtual Ascend configurations
Intel Takes Aim at "Cool Technology" - IEEE Spectrum
tags: intel cool technology ieee spectrum news:y2013m11 wiedervorlage
- We'll likely have to wait until at least the end of the year, when the first chips in the Silvermont family ship, to see whether all that hard work has paid off.
"Build and Run It"
tags: development libreoffice
cluster manager
tags: distributed apache mesos linux cloud development cluster manager ops topology
Killing the Fail Whale With Twitter's Christopher Fry | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
tags: person:fry twitter architect value:8 news:y2013m11 interview wired
- So, just like any system, if you have too much specialization you get brittle and you can’t change quickly.
- So, just like any system, if you have too much specialization you get brittle and you can’t change quickly.
- We’re hitting the point where more than half the world has a smartphone. People are coming online, many for the first time, in countries where they’re buying things like twenty-five dollar Android handsets. What type of engineering challenges does that pose?
- We’re probably still early in that mission, but that is the goal: that any one person can communicate with every other person in the world.
- It’s important to get a steel thread of functionality working end-to-end rather than building it out in layers, so work through a single use case that has you build some UI, logic and backend.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
daily-all 11/23/2013
"wget http://rpi.descartes.co.uk/sim-emu/RaspberryPi.VirtualBox.zip"
tags: raspberry pi virtualbox image gen
Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit | David Graeber | The Baffler
tags: technology future past to-read visionary
- conceptual revolutions
- writing endless annotations of French theory from the seventies, despite the guilty awareness that if new incarnations of Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, or Pierre Bourdieu were to appear in the academy today, we would deny them tenure.
- we have no place for our eccentric, brilliant, and impractical citizens. Most languish in their mothers’ basements, at best making the occasional, acute intervention on the Internet.
- you cannot follow your curiosity
- But if you want to minimize the possibility of unexpected breakthroughs, tell those same people they will receive no resources at all unless they spend the bulk of their time competing against each other to convince you they know in advance what they are going to discover.
- *
Friday, November 22, 2013
daily-all 11/22/2013
Nestlés Abwehr gegen Shitstorms - News Wirtschaft: Unternehmen - tagesanzeiger.ch
"Unglücklicherweise habe es einen Orang-Utan gebraucht, um Nestlé darauf aufmerksam zu machen, wie zentral die Bedeutung von Social Media für ein global tätiges Unternehmen heute ist. Das sagt Patrice Bula, Marketingchef und Mitglied der Konzernleitung von Nestlé, im Gespräch mit dem TA in der Zentrale des Giganten in Vevey. «Social Media hat bei uns eine völlig neue strategische Bedeutung erhalten. Wir haben Leute mit Social-Media-Erfahrung angestellt. Konzernchef Paul Bulcke, ich und andere gingen eine ganze Woche ins Silicon Valley und trafen alle wichtigen Akteure: Facebook, Google, (GOOG 1034.07 1.15%) Twitter, Instagram. Dann erarbeiteten wir eine Strategie.»"
Probability Puzzles: Winning the Lottery, Twice!
"Probability Theory: The Logic of Science"
tags: wiedervorlage ernsthaft ts
Apple Awarded $290M By Jury In Patent Case Retrial Against Samsung | TechCrunch
"Samsung has been accused of paying out what it owed to Apple in small value coins in a number of false memes circulating the web, both when the original award went through and this time, too. It likely won’t do that, as it’s ridiculous, but it can’t be pleased with this result."
tags: meme meta:meme ase-history-service samsung apple patent case jury
"LeadTune - just for being an awesome place to work."
tags: loc:at bio responsible brands
Big data and the tone of your voice | Big Data Download - Yahoo Finance
tags: data acquisition webinar slides pdf
Thursday, November 21, 2013
daily-all 11/21/2013
The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World - Imgur
tags: places world photography abandoned
How to use the node.js module 'nodeunit' with coffeescript files - Stack Overflow
"test = true test2 = false exports.testSomething = (test) -> test.expect(1) test.ok(true, "this should pass") test.done() exports.testSomethingElse = (test2) -> test2.expect(1) test2.ok(false, "this should fail") test2.done()"
tags: sobitte node coffee nodeunit stackoverflow node js module how to
tags: transhumanismus definition
Heroku | Announcing Heroku Postgres 2.0
tags: postgres heroku salesforce news:y2013m11 ops
» Обнаженный мир Спенсера Туника Это интересно!
tags: action human art photography
tags: prog:lang:typescript typescript javascript library rel:hejlsberg y2013
30 Jahre Turbo Pascal: Integrierter Ansatz revolutionierte die Softwareentwicklung | heise online
Was ist Neoliberalismus? • Politik- und Wahljournal. Seit 2008. • neuwal.com
tags: neoliberalismus neuwal article
tags: typescript microsoft programming javascript development open source language tools ide value:7
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
daily-all 11/20/2013
ruby on rails - What is the purpose of vendor/bundle? Heroku tells me to remove it - Stack Overflow
tags: ahaha
ruby - Should I use alias or alias_method? - Stack Overflow
tags: ruby alias method stackoverflow programming
The Paper - The Dueling Loops of the Political Powerplace
tags: loops paper sustainability cybernetics via:pr person:finidori
Drahtzieher | Design & Kommunikation
tags: design architecture loc:vie haha!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
daily-all 11/19/2013
The Ruby Toolbox - Know Your Options!
first in each category: name it..
tags: guard rspec parallel testing software bdd tdd prog:lang:ruby
Customize the Notification Bubble in Ubuntu 13.04 (Using Patched NotifyOSD)
"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade"
tags: schlecht besser-als-nix
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
daily-all 11/11/2013
tags: github user:feedreader tools public domain prog:lang:ruby rss atom news wikipedia aggregator
RubyFlow : Community Filtered Ruby News
tags: Ruby blog rails programming community news rubyonrails prog:lang:ruby ror rb irb gem
"This project was inspired by connect"
tags: middleware connect node framework nodejs javascript webserver
Connect - High quality middleware for node.js
tags: node.js middleware connect node framework nodejs javascript webserver
Email Marketing Software - CleverReach
" CleverReach offers you powerful email marketing software which enables you to create your professional emails online, send them safely, measure the success and manage your email contacts."
Sunday, November 10, 2013
daily-all 11/10/2013
tags: scala java concurrency akka scalability framework library actors
WildFly - JBoss Application Server has a new name... WildFly.
"Using Arquillian for development gives you an extremely fast change, compile, test cycle for any component model. This strategy allows you to take Test Driven Development (TDD) further than ever before. WildFly is a testament to how efficiently you can develop with Arquillian, and how robust your software will be."
JRebel maker buys Javeleon for total Java domination | VentureBeat
" sounds like ZeroTurnaround has bought itself one heck of a brain trust."
tags: hot pull java bytecode ase:2000 y:2013 com:zeroturnaround thinktank
y:2013 v 1.19
tags: build system architecture tool:gradle dsl prog:lang:groovy
Gradle Community Forums - Parallel and Distributed Execution
tags: gradle distributed build cluster
- As a build architect, this is exactly the kind of stuff I've been struggling with. My software baseline will have hundreds of modules. How should I build them?
- I'm definitely not complaining. I understand this is a work in progress. I look forward to seeing the result ...
- The task graph seems embarrassingly parallelizable.
- One distributed feature which I can see getting adoption is distributed tests.
"Why Apache Harmony" or "How to use Java 8 on Android" - Stack Overflow
"Retroweaving might be an option. – Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen Jun 4 at 15:29"
tags: harmony java android stack programming classlib prog:lang:java sdk level barrier
Publikative.org » Blog Archive » Akademisches Karussell: Die Verstörung ertragen
~ /3
Schule des Rades :: Das Buch der Wandlungen :: Das I Ging
tags: wandlungen i ching person:wilhelm lang:de
tags: i ching person:wilhelm lang:english
Saturday, November 9, 2013
daily-all 11/09/2013
What Yahoo and Google did not think the NSA could see - The Washington Post
https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overview pbuf bin in use, but not sigs
tags: yahoo google nsa washington post
Our water commons - Toward a new freshwater narrative - by Maude Ba...
tags: water commons freshwater slideshare
RabbitMQ Web Management Interface - OpenStack Operations Guide
"/usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management"
tags: web management operations rabbitmq sysops
Friday, November 8, 2013
daily-all 11/08/2013
"Gradually your Tai Chi and your body-mind Qi will become pure like flowing water. And this may take the rest of your life..."
The Quintessence of Wu (Hao) Style Tai Chi
"According to the ultimate skill of tai chi, the expression of whole body as Taiji is always present regardless of whether practicing the form, pushing hands, rising, walking, sinking, sleeping, etc."
tags: tai chi quintessence hao
Zeitliche Abfolge der Ereignisse | Greenpeace Austria
tags: greenpeace timeline
Politik, Polizei, Postdemokratie - Jacques Rancière
tags: politik polizei postdemokratie person:hubatschke @coppelius
Wiener Neustädter Tierschützerprozess – Wikipedia
tags: Tierschützerprozess
The Data Dealer Kickstarter | Beyond The Beyond | Wired.com
tags: datadealer wired
Thursday, November 7, 2013
daily-all 11/07/2013
Firma Ehrenberg Qualität die sich jeder leisten kann *Kidsstore*
"Those whose intelligence is adequate should be encouraged in using their imaginations to think out more productive ways of utilizing existing social forces or creating new ones."
tags: person:russell brainpicking
P2P Foundation's blog » Blog Archive » Clay Shirky on Constructive Criticism for Peer Collaboration
tags: person:shirky criticism via:p2p
ECC 2013 – Communication Platform
tags: ecc communication platform
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
daily-all 11/06/2013
"Barry Kort http://moultonlava.blogspot.com/ BSEE With High Distinction, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 1968 MSEE Stanford University, 1969 Ph.D. Systems Theory, Stanford University, 1976 Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Network Planning Division of AT&T Bell Labs 1968-1987 Lead Scientist in the Network Center of MITRE, 1987-1990 Visiting Scientist in Educational Technology Research, BBN Systems and Technologies, 1990-1999 Visiting Scientist in the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Lab, 1999-Present"
tags: person:kort
"Now mathematicians will tell you that it’s also possible to design orderly, stable, predictable, and well-behaved systems, if that’s what you really want. But the solution is not to be found in any set of rules. Rather, if one wants a highly functional system that operates gracefully and with minimum of suspenseful drama, one must evolve beyond mere rules and embrace the subtle mathematics of functions."
tags: engines functions rel:wikipedia y:2013 math
How economic growth has become anti-life | Vandana Shiva | Comment is free | theguardian.com
tags: fukushima cleanup news:y2013m11
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
daily-all 11/05/2013
upstart - Recommended way to enable & disable services - Ask Ubuntu
tags: sony
Link-state routing protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
also: social
Introducing Harp - the static web server with built-in preprocessing
Introducing Harp - the static web server with built-in preprocessing
"e space with their "
fluchtdreieck, systeme, medium
tags: :stage1 :economy :china :indien :afrika_wachstum :g4s y:2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
daily-all 11/04/2013
tags: nerd
Schwarzblog Schubhaftprivatisierung | alwacker
"er im gegenständlichen Verfahren war die G4S Secure Solutions AG mit Sitz in Wien. Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich laut „Anual Report“ zu 100 % im Besitz der G4s plc. Vermutlich hat die Muttergesellschaft aus Großbritannien die Referenzprojekte ebendort bestätigt, dazu war auch die Beilage 3 der Ausschreibung beigelegt. In dieser Beilage 3 hat ein Dritter zu bestätigen, dass er dem Bieter personelle und technische Ressourcen für das Projekt zur Verfügung stellt. Wie kann man sich diese Unterstützung vorstellen? Benötigen die Subunternehmer für den Küchenbetrieb, die Reinigung, die medizinischen Leistungen oder die Freizeitaktivitäten technische oder personelle Ressourcen aus Großbritannien? Wohl kaum. Benötigt der Sicherheitsdienst für die Eingangskontrolle Hilfe? Wahrscheinlich auch nicht. Was genau waren die Überlegungen bei der Forderung nach diesen Referenzprojekten bzw. danach dass ausländische technische und personelle Ressourcen bereitgestellt werden müssen?"
"e to hack this by"
tags: wikipedia management decline trends y:2013
Elisa Merlet (Feedly) - newsle
tags: feedly newsle aggregator person:merlet rel:operations role:vp
Olivier Devaux (Feedly) - newsle
tags: feedly newsle person:devaux aggregator
Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through NumbersQuantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers
Disrupting Business | Disruptiv.biz
INDEX OF/ DisrupTING BUSINESS: ART AND ACTIVISM IN TIMES OF FINANCIAL CRISIS HOW TO DO THINGS WITH BUSINESS - Geoff Cox & Tatiana Bazzichelli 007 EMPTINESS - Franco Bifo Berardi 023 If We Can’t Stop Corporations from Hiding in THE Cayman Islands to Avoid Taxes, We All Need to Become Pirates - Paolo Cirio 031 Mimesis of the Hardened and Alienated - Marina Vishmidt 039 Too Big to Fail - Oliver Ressler 059 THE SUBJECT OF THE CRISIS - Georgios Papadopoulos 065 FERAL TRADE - Kate Rich 081 All Your Aesthetic Management Is Belong to Us - Stevphen Shukaitis 087 Miscommunication Technologies - Dmytri Kleiner & Baruch Gottlieb 105 The Lost Illusions of an Amazonian Forkbomb - Christian Ulrik Andersen & Søren Bro Pold 125 NOT-JUST-BUSINESS - Saul Albert 143 Crowdfunding: Monetizing the Crowd? - Renée Ridgway 153 internet beggar - Heath Bunting 173 Friends with Money - Geert Lovink & Nathaniel Tkacz 175 ONE FINGER RESPONSE - Guido Segni 193 Crisis Theory for Complex Societies - Brian Holmes 199 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 227
bash - Linux repeat command automatically - Stack Overflow
tags: unix commandline fu essentials bash command stackoverflow